Thursday, December 9, 2010

Final Test Questions

  1. (Group 1) What is the only permanent thing? Change
  2. (Group 2) What is a modern version of Pan and Apollo? Tenacious D
  3. Archetype: the old stuff
  4. Signature: the new way you tackle the old stuff
  5. (Group 3) What false idol brought snow-Pygmallion to life? John Madden
  6. (Group 4) At the beginning there was the Flood and at the end there was the Flood.
  7. (Group 5) How did John get away from the Cyclops? He said his name was No Man
  8. (Group 6) What can be said about all ends? They are also beginnings
  9. What two parts did Corrin say were about the same? Heart and Groin
  10. In Triston's final, they didn't have written knowledge, they had Oral Traditions.
  11. What did Jon Orsi's final compare the writing process of ? Loss of virginity
  12. James Joyce compares himself to what mythological personage? God
  13. Eat raw flesh of one dismembered is called what? Omophagia
  14. "In my Beginning is my End"
  15. The happy ending of a fairytail is the Transcendance of a tragedy.
  16. Mythology does not Construct your faith. It Reconstructs your religion.
  17. What does Narcissus's mother ask the oracle? Will he live to old age
  18. What is a Moly? Magic herb in mythology
  19. What does Pegasus mean? Fountain horse
  20. What is the ticket to the underworld? Golden Bough

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